Marketing. Adventure. Coffee.

  • Create Real Change (the Anti-New Year’s Resolution post)

    Create Real Change (the Anti-New Year’s Resolution post)

    We all know what to do. We just don’t know how to convince ourselves to do it.” — Mel Robbins How’s the New Year’s resolution going? Did you resolve to eat healthier, exercise more, save money? Unfortunately, many have already abandoned their goals. According to US News, 80% of people have given up on their…

  • Give Me a Break

    Give Me a Break

    I started writing this post while lying in a hammock outside Chattanooga as I was looking up at the leaves enjoying what was left of the fall colors in late November. It was a cool, crisp morning on the last day of a casual trip with few awesome guys. A true adventure; the trip was…

  • 10 Basic Laws of Success

    10 Basic Laws of Success

    “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Previous President and COO at Waffle House Inc., Bert Thornton, presented his 10 Basic Laws of Success to the Gulf Breeze Rotary a few weeks ago. These laws can serve as guidelines for continual growth in your career and life. Bert speaks from his 40 years…

  • Getting Dirty – Doing the Work

    Getting Dirty – Doing the Work

    Everyone wants success, but no one wants to put in the work! I have a confession. When I work on really big projects, I work really hard when the project is new, I am learning and having fun. Then, when the project gets to about 80-90% of completion, it gets hard. Progress slows. It starts…

  • Leverage Accountability to Achieve Goals

    Leverage Accountability to Achieve Goals

    “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” — T. S. Eliot We all have goals. Either expressed in statements like “one day, I plan to …” or you actually have it written down as a goal, we all are working towards a dream. Our goals…

  • Find the RIGHT mentor

    Find the RIGHT mentor

    “A great mentor helps you achieve what seems impossible” – Mariela Dabbah Dating back to the Ancient Greeks, there have always been mentor/mentee relationships. Closely related to apprenticeships, the knowledge and experience of the mentor is utilized to speed up the process for success. A great mentor is one that aligns with your values and…

  • Own the Morning, Own the Day

    Own the Morning, Own the Day

    Either you run the day or the day runs you! – Jim Rohn One of the biggest challenges we all face is staying in control of our day. Far too often we end a long day exhausted with nothing really to show. We work hard, but in the end of the day often you can…

  • Hard Times Make Us Strong

    Hard Times Make Us Strong

    The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr. Think back on a tough time in your career or your business. I mean, think of a really tough time. Yeah, you’ve got a…

  • BRRRR Method for Real Estate Investing

    BRRRR Method for Real Estate Investing

    Many people are considering a stronger focus on long term financial stability and creating passive income streams. Why not? Everyone shares the dream to make money and having the freedom to do what they love (aka: RETIREMENT! ). Real estate makes a great option to gain consistent returns for future abundance. Real estate can be…

  • Book Review: Rebirth: A Fable of Love, Forgiveness, and Following Your Heart

    Book Review: Rebirth: A Fable of Love, Forgiveness, and Following Your Heart

    While listening to one of my favorite podcasts, the James Aultucher show, James was interviewing a very interesting guest that told stories of travel, failure and self-discovery. The guest, Kamal Ravikant, was discussing a unique period of his life which inspired him to write the book, Rebirth: A Fable of Love, Forgiveness, and Following Your…